Wedding Traditions | First Look

Advantages of Having a First Look

Wedding Traditions | Advantages of Having a First Look | Miki & Sonja Photography
Wedding Traditions | Advantages of Having a First Look | Miki & Sonja Photography
Wedding Traditions | Advantages of Having a First Look | Miki & Sonja Photography

History of a “First Look”

The tradition of arranged marriages in the past were not based on love, but rather on forming alliances between families and countries. As a result, couples were not allowed to see each other until their union was complete.  This reduced the risk of one person backing out of the arrangement. The historical custom gave rise to the superstition that seeing each other before the wedding ceremony was bad luck, not because it would harm the marriage, but because the one you were supposed to marry might run away!

However, for modern couples, weddings are all about celebrating their love and devotion to one another with family and friends. The First Look was created as an opportunity for couples to have a private and intimate moment together before the wedding day activities start.

If you are unsure whether a first look is right for you, allow us to share our reasons why we adore capturing this intimate moment on camera, and some suggestions for making them even more unforgettable

Wedding Traditions | Advantages of Having a First Look | Miki & Sonja Photography

Three Reasons we Love Photographing First Looks 

1. A Moment of Intimacy

A first look allows you to share a precious moment in privacy. Wedding day jitters are inevitable, but sharing this moment with your partner can alleviate any nervousness. Finding a tranquil setting, you can laugh, cry, hug or kiss as you please. This quiet moment between you both can set the tone for the rest of the day, allowing you to relax and enjoy every minute.

2. More Time for Couple's Portraits

By choosing to have a first look, you can take the majority of your romantic portraits before the ceremony. Additionally, with more time for photos, you can choose various locations and backdrops. You can also take all of the formal family and wedding party portraits after the first look. The pre ceremony portrait timing allows for a less rushed experience, leaving you feeling more relaxed.

3. More Time with Family and Friends

Since you have already taken many of the pictures ahead of time, you won’t feel rushed to finish up all of the “required” formal portraits.  You can start off the celebration by enjoying cocktail hour with your guests. 

Make it Your Own - Ideas to Incorporate into Your First Look

1.    Exchange Gifts

Share a thoughtful and heartfelt gift with each other to commemorate this milestone in your lives. It can be a meaningful keepsake or something lighthearted that represents your personalities.

2.    Read Personalized Vows

Take the time to privately express your love and commitment to one another in a personalized vow exchange.

3.    Save a Surprise Element

If you prefer to keep an element of surprise for the ceremony, consider saving a surprise, like a veil or capelet, to reveal when you walk down the aisle. It will be a breathtaking moment that you and your guests will never forget.

Remember, your wedding day is about celebrating your unique love and commitment to one another. Regardless of when you and your partner see each other on your wedding day, choose what makes your hearts sing and embrace the moment wholeheartedly.